Non-Fandom Restricted Interests

The only reason I even care about L. Ron Hubbard and Scientology is because one of the biggest Hollywood stars on the planet is still in Scientology. So I'm writing about a key piece of Scientology literature that Scientology leader David Miscavige has not published: L. Ron Hubbard's "Affirmations."

Think of this as a sort of follow up post on my blog post pleading people to stop calling Tom Cruise a narcissist. Even though I am not a certified mental health professional, I think the Goldwater Rule is still necessary. And it is not outdated.

en June 1840, Prince Albert of Saxe-Coberg and Gotha, better known as the Prince Consort to Queen Victoria, gave an anti-slavery speech at an international anti-slavery conference. It was his first public royal engagement as consort to the British monarch. And it was the first time any member of the British Royal Family took a public stance on a...

People often remember King Henry VIII as the short-fused, unforgiving, bloodthirsty tyrant. Catholics remember the fact that he split the English Church from the Vatican in order to end his marriage to Queen Katherine of Aragon and marry Anne Boleyn. Catholics remember the fact that King Henry had Sts. Thomas More and John Fisher executed.

Catholic journalist Patti Maguire Armstrong wrote an article containing an interview with an exorcist and his deliverance team about the dangers of 50 Shades of Grey. One member of the deliverance team even said that the character of Christian Grey is a mockery of Christianity.

Vampire mythology as we know it today originated when dead bodies showed symptoms of what we now recognize as tuberculosis, rabies, and pellagra. Way back when, people didn't know how to explain fresh blood, the decomposition process,

So historians have not run all the necessary tests on the Tudor pendant yet. However, they're guessing it's from circa. 1520. 1520 fits within the timeline of King Henry and Katherine of Aragon's marriage. They were married from 1509 to 1533. 1533 was when the King had the marriage annulled and he married Anne Boleyn.

Art has the ability to move people. It influences the heart. With my storytelling & artwork, I hope to move people in ways that logic can't. Logic influences the mind, but not the heart. Beauty moves people in ways that logic can't. That is why I try to live out American artist Makoto Fujimura's call to culture care instead of...

I was reading a Christian article on vampire fiction. According to the article, a work of vampire fiction that has elements such as being undead is an attractive alternative, the work should be avoided. Here's the problem with that, though: undeadness, especially the vampire fiction flavor of it, is impossible. I have never heard of anyone being...

The Autistic Catholic
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