Non-Fandom Restricted Interests

The message of a story is in the third act, when the main character has their "aha" moment and the climax, which follows the "aha" moment. Or it's earlier than that, but the main character learns something. What the main character learns is often the message of the story, not the ending.

Well, this is a blog post that I've been planning to write for months. As a long-time admirer of the British Royal Family, I naturally had to watch the coronation. I got up at 2:45 AM to watch the live broadcast and even had a scone for breakfast. And I've got copies of lots of pics from this historic event...

A lot of Christians were in an uproar over Sam Smith & Kim Petras's Grammy performance. Probably because of Smith was wearing a red outfit, complete with a sparkly red top hat with Devil horns. They called the performance and the song they were singing, "Unholy," an act of Devil worship. Father Leo Patalinghug even used the performance to upload...

Some people think that a self-professed Christian shouldn't expose himself or herself to stories containing pagan mythologies. And when I say "some people," I mean some Christians. According to these Christians, such stories are produced by people who are proponents of the occult and assert that these peoples' Luciferian affiliations are lying all...

I know about Cruise's narcissistic tendencies. I know about his on-set COVID tirade and how he exhibited a hero/savior complex during that rant. I know about that time when Miles Teller got hurt on the set of Top Gun: Maverick and Cruise came over to see if Teller was OK and could continue filming, boasting about the time...

I know you need to make money. You employ many people who make a living by creating TV shows and movies. And while it is important for people to make a decent living, must you expect them to do it by selling sexual content in film and TV shows?

In my mind, it's hard to be a musical fan and a Catholic and not like Les Mis. So here are my favorite songs from Les Mis.

The Autistic Catholic
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