Non-Fandom Restricted Interests

Tom Cruise opened the 2002 Oscars by talking about how movies had touched him throughout his childhood and teenage years, culminating in his desire to become an actor. Even as one of the biggest film actors on the planet, he watches a movie daily to this day. Not just to study them, but to enjoy them. In an entertainment industry...

Yes, he's reckless. Yes, he breaks the rules and disobeys his superiors. Yes, he's arrogant. Would he last long in the highly structured and stringent Navy in real-life? Most likely not.

Sometimes, when people talk about the Holocaust, they talk about the persecution and slaughter of Jews. And it's true that Jews were targeted. But Hitler didn't invent antisemitism, racism, hatred, discrimination, and intolerance. And the Jews weren't the only ones who were seen as inferior by the Germans. Anyone who didn't fit Hitler's idea of...

Filmmaker Ridley Scott has made a film about Napoleon Bonaparte starring Joaquin Phoenix. Besides the trailers, the first clip from the film was released recently. And it is none other than the coronation scene, inspired by the famous painting by Jacques-Louis David.

You're probably thinking, "What? Al Capone is responsible for expiration dates on food?" At least, in the States, yes, he is. I've been to Alcatraz and seen the cell block where he served time for tax evasion (for those of you who aren't great with history, Al Capone was, undoubtedly guilty for other crimes but they could never be...

G.K. Chesterton, the Catholic novelist, split pagans of the ancient world into two categories: the benevolent and virtuous ones who loved their mythology for the truth and beauty they conveyed and the ones who entangled themselves with demons through human sacrifice and occult activity.

So I finally watched the official video recording of Hamilton on Disney+.

Some Catholics are wary of anti-heroes in literature and contemporary entertainment. I understand why. Here's why we like anti-heroes, though.

The Autistic Catholic
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