My Catholicism Archives

For those of you who don't know who Jimmy Akin is, he is a Catholic convert and apologist. He has been defending the Catholic faith for a very long time now. He loves Star Trek and Pirates of the Caribbean. So if a Catholic apologist who has been defending the faith for as long as Jimmy Akin has enjoys the ...

It is really annoying when people over-spiritualize things. Whether it's over-spiritualizing clinical depression, overstepping by asking God to reveal someone else's spiritual wounds to their heart without their permission, or a proficient in the spiritual life criticizing others for having inordinate earthly attachments or even enjoying life, it...

In Christian circles, there's too much focus on lust as the root of sexual sin. Now don't get me wrong: Lust is not good. It wouldn't be one of the seven deadly sin if it was any good. But in our hyperfocus on lust, I think we might be overlooking another vice that is another major contributing factor in...

There are quite a few Catholic allegories in this film. But let me give a summary of the movie first. In a dystopic future, Earth is running out of natural resources. So an Earth corporation has traveled to the planet Pandora and set up operation to mine a valuable mineral found on Pandora. But the planet's indigenous people, an...



Gratitude is the way to prevent covetousness. It's the way to prevent from placing our trust in material things. We need food, water, shelter, money, clothes, and so much more in order to live. But we can't place all our trust and security in them, because they can get taken away from us in an instant. By saying "thank you"...

Are Dogs Evil?


Yesterday, I rewatched the beginning of Father Casey Cole's video "Did Christ Die For Dogs?" At the beginning, Father Casey introduced an adorable Golden Retriever puppy named Pancho and said he was an employee's dog. After watching the beginning of the video, I scrolled down to the comments section and hit the "Newest" button. I saw this comment:

December 7th, 1941 is a date that is stamped permanently in my memory, thanks to the opening line of FDR's excellent speech on December 8th, 1941: "Yesterday, December 7th, 1941---a date which will live in infamy---"
If you haven't heard this speech, I encourage you to look it up on YouTube. There are plenty of audio and...

This excerpt from TV Tropes, talking about one of the tropes in The Phantom of the Opera, is wrong. The Angel of Music is not another name for Satan. Many Christians get the idea that it is based on this verse from Ezekiel in the King James Bible:

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