My Catholicism Archives

A while ago, I left comments on a Medium essay that's about how "harmful" the Catholic position on homosexuality is. The essay in question insisted that the Church tells LGBTQ+ people they're disordered. My comments were basically saying that the author of the essay was twisting the Church's words. I said that the Church says that homosexual acts...

Welcome to my new series, Parables in Film, TV, and Theatre. In "Parables in Film, TV, and Theatre" posts, I will be analyzing movies TV shows, and works in theatre (plays, musicals, operas, etc) and highlighting important lessons based on Christian morality.

A while ago, I wrote a blog post that exposes an atheist troll in the comments section of a Catholic YouTube video about homosexuality. In that blog post, I stated that archaeological discoveries proving the Bible's authenticity have been made and continue to be made. Here are ten of the many archaeological discoveries proving the Bible's validity...

I absolutely hate it when many atheists and other critics of Catholicism and Christianity point to dark and troubling passages in Sacred Scripture to try to debunk my religion. They fixate on those passages while deliberately choosing to ignore the passages about God's goodness and good deeds.

You may be surprised at the title of this blog post and saying to yourself, "Having fun is a Christian virtue? Has Susana Christine gone nuts? Did she make this up?"

The Autistic Catholic
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