Why I Will No Longer Write _____X Reader Stories or Self-Insert Fanfiction


____X Reader Stories and self-insert fanfics are fun to read and write, but they're actually not good for you. Here's why. Romantic ____X Reader stories and romantic self-insert fanfiction are leading you to be emotionally unchaste. These types of fanfiction are daydreams written down. I'm not saying that daydreams are bad. But daydreaming about your imaginary romantic relationship with a fictional character is a sign that you've given them a part of your heart. Now, loving a fictional character is not intrinsically evil.
After all, there are four kinds of love.

They are:
Eros-romantic love; love of desire

Agape- Selfless love

Philia-love of friendship; brotherly love

Storge-love of affection.

I know the kind of love I have for my favorite fictional characters is storge. I won't speak as to what your kind of love for your favorite characters is.

So writing stories in which your readers are friends with a fictional character or even in a romantic relationship with a fictional character is way over the top for storge. Writing stories in which you yourself are friends with a fictional character or even in a romantic relationship with a fictional character is way over the top for storge.There are many other better and healthy ways you can express your love and affection for your favorite fictional characters instead of being in an imaginary relationship with them.

So expressing my storge includes no longer writing self-insert fanfics. And because I would rather not lead you to be emotionally unchaste and encourage you to make your love for your favorite fictional characters more than it actually is, I won't be writing ___x reader fanfics anymore, either.

Instead, I will only be writing romantic fanfictions between two fictional characters instead. Usually, one of those characters will be a canon character or a character I've created. All my self-inserts and x reader stories will be turned into character x OC stories. So you'll be able to read my stories that were previously self-inserts.

For my Catholic readers' information, I didn't know that writing such stories was being emotionally unchaste and therefore I didn't know it was a sin. So there was no actual sin committed on my part. And since I didn't know writing ___x reader fanfics were a way of leading other people to be emotionally unchaste, I'm not guilty of the sin of scandal.

Comments Hey, let's chat and have some good discussions! In order to have good conversations, there needs to be some rules. 1) Be polite, charitable, and civil 2) Long comments are most welcome! 3) Please one comment at a time. I do better with one-on-one conversations. Positive comments make my day! I read all the comments and will do my best to respond to them. May God bless you and keep you! And if you're not religious, I wish you all the best!
The Autistic Catholic
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