Undeadness Is Not Possible


I was reading a Christian article on vampire fiction. According to the article, a work of vampire fiction that has elements such as being undead is an attractive alternative, the work should be avoided. Here's the problem with that, though: undeadness, especially the vampire fiction flavor of it, is impossible. I have never heard of anyone being resurrected after another person sucks their blood until the person is on death's door and they get bitten or they drink their attacker's blood. So why should being attracted to such an element be problematic when the concept of being undead like in vampire fiction is impossible in real life? 

The video clips are from Interview with the Vampire (1994) and Queen of the Damned (2002), two vampire films that are adaptations of three of Anne Rice's Vampire Chronicles books. In the first clip, a human Lestat de Lioncourt (Stuart Townsend) is turned into a vampire by Marius de Romanus (Vincent Perez). I have to say, the production team for Queen of the Damned really missed the mark when it came to hair and makeup for Lestat. Lestat has wavy blonde hair.

In the second clip, Lestat (Tom Cruise) turns Louis de Pointe du Lac (Brad Pitt) into a vampire. They got two of the hottest actors of the 90s to play vampires in a single movie. And Rice even objected to Cruise's casting at first not because she doubted the quality of his acting, but because she just didn't think he was the right guy to play Lestat. 

And before I even saw Interview with the Vampire, I knew that vampire movies were out of Cruise's usual genre (there have been several times when Cruise has done movies outside of his usual genre). Not only was this movie out of his genre, but characters like Lestat are not what Cruise usually opts to play. Lestat is a villain. And Cruise usually plays the hero in his movies. But it was because Cruise played a vampire that piqued my interest in Interview with the Vampire, even though it took a while for me to get acclimated to the wavy blonde hair, blue eyes (Cruise's eyes are green in real life), translucent, pale skin, fangs, and colonial clothing.  

Anyway, enough of me gushing about Tom Cruise playing a vampire. Enjoy the vids! That is, if the sight of vampires biting people and people drinking blood doesn't gross you out. 

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The Autistic Catholic
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