Troll In the Dungeon Addendum
One last thing about Mr. Alexander's commentary on the Ascension homosexuality video: Despite knowing logical fallacies well, he uses the "Argument From Silence" fallacy a lot. He asks theists to prove the existence of God and prove that the Bible is from God. And until the theist provides adequate burden of proof, he says that one can easily argue Christianity was the invention of primitive humans.
Now, I don't like it when people make false assumptions in general. But to do so via the "Argument From Silence" fallacy, especially when the person has asked for proof, was provided with it, and downright refused to examine it because it wasn't handed to them directly is not arguing in good faith. And it wasn't given to them directly for a valid reason: YouTube is finicky when it comes to accepting comments with video links in them. The evidence in question was a playlist of videos containing evidence for the Resurrection of Jesus.
You have the right to not give him evidence and tell him that you'd rather not give him evidence. But please use assertive "I" statements. Don't accuse him of not debating in good faith. I have told you that he's not so you know he's not and spare yourselves the frustration of attempting to convince an Atheist who seems like he'll check out evidence but actually won't.
Do not let his false assumptions about why you didn't give him evidence push you around. He's forfeited his right to ask for burden of proof and then get a pass every time he employs the "Argument from Silence" fallacy because he was given evidence once and refused to examine it.