Stop Saying Tom Cruise is a Narc


I know about Cruise's narcissistic tendencies. I know about his on-set COVID tirade and how he exhibited a hero/savior complex during that rant. I know about that time when Miles Teller got hurt on the set of Top Gun: Maverick and Cruise came over to see if Teller was OK and could continue filming, boasting about the time he broke his ankle while filming one of the Mission: Impossible movies and that he could continue filming. I know about the Matt Lauer interview and how Cruise got upset. I know that Tom Cruise projects this image of "I'm always in control. I always win. I'm always right," to the public. I know of several former Scientologists who knew the man claim he has NPD.  I know that Cruise stays in Scientology because of the favors they'll do him and the adoration he gets, even though Scientologists are giving him adulation out of fear that David Miscavige* will beat the crap out of them or they'll be forced to do menial labor without the proper equipment. 

But here's the thing: none of them are mental health professionals.  So until Tom Cruise receives a diagnose of NPD from a certified mental health pro,  I encourage people to say he has narcissistic tendencies instead of calling him a narc. Besides, many people in Hollywood are on the narcissistic side and they're probably not even in a cult.

*Current leader of the Church (or in my view, Cult) of Scientology and Cruise's bestie. Though ex-Scientologist John Brousseau said in an interview that he noticed the relationship between Cruise and Miscavige is one-sided. Cruise looks up to Miscavige and worships him like a god, but Miscavige won't hesitate to throw Cruise under the bus if it benefits him personally. He has done so in the past.

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The Autistic Catholic
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