Proof I Don't Hate Gays

Chances are you'll recognize both of these men. The first is Pete Buttigieg, the US Secretary of Transportation. The second is legendary British singer and musician Sir Elton John.
Neither of these men's sexuality bother me. I harbor no hatred, bigotry, intolerance, or homophobia for either of them. Just lots of love. Even though I haven't met him, I think Secretary Pete is a delightful man. As for Sir Elton, I really admire him for his music and his cool outfits when he's performing. Both are, in my opinion, fine men.
Also, I had a friend who came out as lesbian to me. She's not Catholic or Christian so I didn't invite her to lead a life of celibacy. I didn't even try to convert her. I simply stood by her and accepted her. In fact, I'm honored that she trusted me enough to tell me such a personal thing. She didn’t even tell me whether or not she was seeing someone so I didn’t have to worry about whether or not she would badger me to condone her love life. But I made it clear to her what the Catholic Church's position on homosexual acts is. She respected my position, knowing full well that I didn't expect her to live by it, and I was supportive. We treated and regarded each other with mutual respect. We were friends until life took us on two different paths.
I brought up that she didn’t tell me whether or not she was seeing someone and that she respected my beliefs because I'm sick and tired of pro-LGBTQ+ people telling people who don't approve of homosexual behavior that they don't truly have gay friends. I'm sick and tired of the woke friendship of eqaulity speeches. I'm sick and tired of hearing "you should care more about your friend's happiness," from LGBT+ allies.
I will not be pushed around by the use of woke rhetoric.
So being called a homophobe hurts me deeply and I will not stand for it. I don't think it's fair or OK to label someone who has a LGTBQ+ friend and admires openly gay famous people a homophobe or a bigot, even if that person opposes same-sex "marriage" and active gay lifestyles.