Laura Horn's YouTube channel (with a side of Reason & Theology humor)
We Catholics have never been above cracking a few jokes at our own expense. Part of being a good Christian is not taking oneself too seriously.
Laura Horn is the wife of Catholic apologist Trent Horn. While I find Trent a little too blunt and abrasive at times for my taste, Laura's channel is amazing. While Trent focuses on defending Catholicism on his channel, Laura brings joy and light-heartedness on hers. She gives people the opportunity to laugh with funny scenarios and types of Catholics that only Catholics will relate to. Basically, Catholic insider jokes.
But I also have to recommend Micheal Lofton's channel, Reason & Theology, for this reason, too. Reason & Theology isn't just for clearing up confusion in the Catholic Church. Micheal sometimes provides a much-needed good laugh with Catholic/Christian comedy sketches and on occasion, fake episcopal letters to make a point with a bit of humor. And of course, it's always fun when he and Voice of Reason come together to debunk anti-Catholic content online. And they dismantle anti-Catholic arguments in style. Whether it's pink hoodies and Catholicized versions of rap albums (Jay Z and Nas's albums are two instances of this) or slasher movie masks and wool robber masks, anti-Catholic interlocuters had better watch out. Byzantium's Finest aren't going to let Catholicism be smeared by strawmen and fallacious arguments.
In short, you won't find Scientologists giving you straight answers about what they believe, let alone cracking jokes and having good laughs at their own expense. They probably don't laugh about things related to their cult.
Here's the link to Laura's channel, Too Far with Laura Horn.
St. Phillip Neri, pray for us!