L. Ron Hubbard's Affirmations

Neo (Keanu Reeves) takes the Red Pill
Neo (Keanu Reeves) takes the Red Pill

The only reason I even care about L. Ron Hubbard and Scientology is because one of the biggest Hollywood stars on the planet is still in Scientology. So I'm writing about a key piece of Scientology literature that Scientology leader David Miscavige has not published: L. Ron Hubbard's "Affirmations."

American actor Tom Cruise is stuck in this insidious and dangerous organization and thinks David Miscavige reciprocates the regard that Cruise himself holds for Miscavige. Miscavige does not care about Tom Cruise's wellbeing in the least. Ex-Scientologist John Brousseau reported that David Miscavige regards TC as gum on the bottom of his shoe, as a necessary burden, as a slave. And he won't hesitate to throw Tom Cruise under the bus if it benefits him personally.

I know of a 2006 interview in which Tom Cruise talked about his father being abusive to him and when he first started acting in Hollywood, he was wary of some who offered him roles. His former manager, Eileen Berlin, corroborated his story about his abusive father, when she spoke up about Katie Holmes' divorce from TC.

It's ironic that Tom Cruise was wary when some casting directors in Hollywood offered him roles and had the instinct that they didn't have his best interests at heart, yet due to Scientology brainwashing and love-bombing, he thinks David Miscavige is the most awesome and trustworthy guy on the planet.

Check out Infiltrating Scientology by Reckless Ben on YouTube. It shows you some of the brainwashing methods that Scientology uses. So in Scientology, they give these "counseling" sessions called auditing. And the lady who was "counseling" Reckless Ben asked him to tell her about the worst experience in his life. So he told her about the time he broke his neck. Like most people would be, Reckless Ben was freaked out when he broke his neck. But this lady kept making slight changes to his story/memory. And by the end of the session, she said he was happy when he broke his neck and he believed that for a short while. She literally manipulated this guy's memory of the worst day of his life. And this guy seemed pretty smart. So on the other hand, it's no wonder Tom Cruise fell for Scientology's crap. And I want him to be free of this greedy, deceitful, and dangerous cult so I'm now going to reveal a very important piece of Hubbard's "Affirmations:" "Men are your slaves."

David Miscavige himself applies this piece because he's a slaver, just like Hubbard before him was a slaver. Tom Cruise seems like someone who doesn't want to be a slave to anyone. And ironically, that's exactly what Scientology has turned him into. He's this robotic, Matrix-like version of himself, blindly believing everything Scientology teaches. I firmly believe that the Scientology version of TC is only masking the authentic version of TC. The authentic, non-Scientology, non-cult version of TC is still deep down inside of him. No cult can ever fully eliminate a person's true version of themselves.

And I don't normally do this, but I'm asking you, my readers, to share this as far and wide as you can. If you do, then, we could possibly provide Tom Cruise and many other Scientologists with the red pill that they need. Scientology is like the Matrix. Like the Matrix, Scientology is a false reality promising all sorts of enticing things. But it never delivers on its promises, brainwashing and enslaving people instead. In fact, the CoS Contract For Services even says that almost everything the organization says is a lie and almost everything Hubbard wrote and recorded is a lie. Also, current Church leader David Miscavige has heavily edited Hubbard's books and writings. It's a massive money-grabbing scam.

Nicole Kidman nearly got TC to ditch Scientology. But that was before the cult broke up their marriage and turned Tom into one of the most robotic and fanatical of Scientologists. As long as he is alive and well, he can still leave. But make no mistake: leaving is not easy for any Scientologist. In the eyes of the organization, there is no valid reason to leave, to plan to leave, or to even want to leave. And the Church of Scientology won't let Tom go that easily. His celebrity status is too valuable for them to afford to lose him. 

Well, not only am I a wog,* I guess I'm an SP* now, too. 

*Wog: the Scientology term for anything or anyone that's non-Scientologist.

*SP: abbreviation for "Suppressive Person." Suppressive Person  is the Scientology label for someone who commits "Suppressive Acts."

"Suppressive Acts" as listed by Hubbard include:

-Criticizing Scientology/telling the truth about Hubbard, Scientology or any of its members

-Engaging in any of the practices of Scientology outside of the Church of Scientology and its structure

-Publicly leaving Scientology 

This list is not at all comprehensive. It is only a few of the many "Suppressive Acts" Hubbard listed.

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The Autistic Catholic
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