It's A Bad Idea to Call Pornographic Literature "Erotica" or "Erotic Literature"


 Hear me out. "Erotic" and "erotica" are both derived from the word "eros."

Eros is one of the four kinds of love, according to the Ancient Greeks. Eros is that passionate, romantic love. It's the kind of love that is full of desire. Yes, it's characterized by the desire to possess the beloved. Eros is intrinsically good. After all, God loves us with a kind of eros.

But there's another Greek word: Porneia. Porneia is the root word of "pornography." Porneia is lust. Porneia is that selfish desire. So to call pornographic literature, which is designed to induce people to use other people as a thing for their own selfish sexual pleasure, "erotica" and "erotic literature" is not a good idea.

So I will be making a distinction from now on. Books like 50 Shades of Grey are pornographic literature. It has graphic sex scenes intended to sexually arouse the reader. Christian Grey does not harbor eros towards Anastasia Steele. And he does certainly not harbor agape. Agape is selfless and sacrificial. Throughout the 50 Shades trilogy, Christian seeks to dominate, control, and dominate Anastasia. His feelings towards her are that of porneia, of lust. Anastasia has feelings for Christian because he is controlling.

On the other hand, books like Pride & Prejudice are what I would call "erotic literature" and "erotica." Why? Because Pride & Prejudice is a story that focuses on the love between a man and a woman. Mr. Darcy pursues Elizabeth Bennet with eros. His eros is mixed with agape. Mr. Darcy desires to possess his beloved Elizabeth. However, he also wants the best for her, even if the best thing may not be marrying him. He shows this agape by helping Elizabeth's younger sister out of a tough situation and righting the wrong of separating his friend from Elizabeth's older sister. If Elizabeth does not share his love, he is willing to give up his own desires and goal of being with her so that she can be happy.

So I am redeeming the terms "erotica" and "erotic literature." 

Note: I have never read or watched 50 Shades. And I never intend to. 

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The Autistic Catholic
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