Correcting A Phantom Meme

In case you can't read the smaller text, it says, "No matter how romantic you think it is, he still assaulted, murdered, and kidnapped, and raped his way through the story."
The Phantom never committed rape at any point in the Andrew Lloyd Webber version of the story of The Phantom of Opera. Well, except for the Restaged US Tour production. Towards the end of the Restaged US Tour production, the Phantom dumps Christine unceremoniously on his bed and climbs on top of her. But I don't like the Restaged US Tour even though I haven't seen it. And I have no intentions to see the Restaged US Tour production. I don't consider the Restaged US Tour production a true and valid version of Andrew Lloyd Webber's The Phantom of the Opera. And I never will. As for assault, initially, I was kind of iffy on that one because the only occasion of "assault" was the Phantom touching Christine's torso in the 2004 movie. But she didn't object to it or protest. Consent is key. But then I remembered that later on in the movie, he knocked out Christine's carriage driver with a blow to the head. So yeah, he would definitely be charged with one account of assault in a court of law. As for kidnapping? Check. He's definitely guilty. Murder? Again, check. Definitely guilty as charged.
However, no Phantom fan (phan) should need to be reminded about the Phantom's many sins. I certainly don't! Besides, this meme is a little too judgemental. Even though I feel sorry for the Phantom and I love him to bits, I am not the kind of phan who thinks the Phantom's crimes were a romantic gesture towards Christine.
I'd appreciate it if people would stop making public service announcement memes like this about the Phantom's sins. I haven't forgotten about them (the Phantom's sins).