How To Charitably Navigate Interactions With JWs Who Come To Your Door


It can be a nuisance at best and a rude intrusion at worst when a Jehovah's Witness comes to your front door, hoping to convert you to their cult. But our response as Catholics should be charitable and polite while making our disinterest in converting to this unscriptural cult clear. 

The first thing to do is to know their tactics. Jehovah's Witnesses use "Appeal To Emotions" and "what do you think" tactics. They are prepared for virtually every conversation stopper a person might use and try to turn every conversation stopper into a means for continuing the conversation. It can be annoying that they persist when you've politely signaled that you're not interested and would like them to get lost. It can be frustrating that they use emotional manipulation to entice people to join their cult. 

For me personally, there are several things that freak me out when it comes to the Jehovah's Witnesses cult.

1) Their stance on women: They believe that a woman's only proper place is in the home. The woman's only proper role in society is the homemaker. They shouldn't be part of the workforce. I have a job and I like my job so the antiquated belief that my place is at home doesn't sit well with me. 

2) Their stance on blood transfusions: Jehovah's Witnesses are known for being against blood transfusions, citing the Bible's view of blood as life. Blood transfusions can save lives and I think it is irresponsible to be against blood transfusions, especially when someone is losing blood.  

3) Their stance on patriotism and the State: Patriotism, saying the Pledge of Allegiance, or singing a country's national anthem and other patriotic songs is considered a form of idolatry in the eyes of the Jehovah's Witnesses. Any kind of loyalty towards the State is regarded suspiciously by the Jehovah's Witnesses. 

Our faith makes it clear that patriotism is a virtue. Being active in politics and serving one's country in times of need are things to be commended. As Pope Francis once said, "Good Catholics get involved in politics."

4) Their stance on celebrating Christmas, Easter, and birthdays: Obviously, the first two occasions should alarm any Catholic, since observing Christmas and Easter is very important to us Catholics. But the Jehovah's Witnesses don't observe any holidays. Catholics are permitted to observe and celebrate birthdays as well. I like to think that God observes His children's birthdays, too. 

However, I would not bring up my objections to these views with a Jehovah's Witness and I would certainly not say, "Your denomination is a cult and I'm very wary of cults."

The second is don't get into debates or discussions on doctrine. There are three major and unbiblical doctrines that the Jehovah's Witnesses believe: there is no Trinity, there is no Hell, and Jesus is not God. Those three doctrines should set off alarm bells for any Catholic. And a Witness is well prepared to debate you on those doctrines and convince you that those doctrines are true. 

The third is to not let the Witness get through his rehearsed presentation. I am not suggesting that you rudely cut them off or monopolize the conversation. Ask how he came to be a Jehovah's Witness and then briefly share your own faith story. Connecting with the Witness on personal level will do quite a bit and more than likely, it will work in your favor. The Watchtower (that's the parent organization that runs the Jehovah's Witnesses) has probably indoctrinated  them heavily, but the Watchtower cannot remove their humanity.

The fourth is to not let them address multiple theological topics and get you sidetracked. Address one topic at a time. If you don't want to have them come back (and I don't blame you if that's the case), politely say you're not interested and get them to leave, but again, be polite about it. If you do want to engage them in the future in the hopes of converting them to Catholicism, politely agree to discuss further topics another time. 

And don't use their translation of the Bible, the New World Translation. It's been heavily mutilated to support their doctrines. 

And lastly, please, please, please, don't slam the door in their face. Jehovah's Witnesses fully expect people to be brusque with them and front doors being slammed in their faces. The Watchtower has taught them that this is them being persecuted. And if there's any Christian denomination that has a false persecution complex, it's the Jehovah's Witnesses. So don't reinforce that belief.

Comments Hey, let's chat and have some good discussions! In order to have good conversations, there needs to be some rules. 1) Be polite, charitable, and civil 2) Long comments are most welcome! 3) Please one comment at a time. I do better with one-on-one conversations. Positive comments make my day! I read all the comments and will do my best to respond to them. May God bless you and keep you! And if you're not religious, I wish you all the best!
The Autistic Catholic
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