Hamilton Review
So I finally watched the official video recording of Hamilton on Disney+.
This musical follows the life of Alexander Hamilton from his leaving his home, the island of Nevis, as a young adult all the way up to him being killed in a duel with Aaron Burr.
Content advisory
Sex & nudity:
While there isn't any nudity, there is some suggestive content.
Aaron Burr has an affair with Theodesia, the wife of a British officer.
Hamilton has an affair with another woman while his wife and her sister are visiting their father. Hamilton had to stay in the capital to get his financial plan passed by Congress. The song in which he has the affair has some lyrics that are on the explicit side.
Violence & gore:
No gore, but there is some violence.
There is a duel between one of Hamilton's friends, and one of Washington's generals, Charles Lee. Lee is killed in the duel.
There's another duel between Hamilton's son, Philip, and a man named George Eacker who insulted Hamilton. Philip is shot and later dies from his injury.
There is a third duel between Aaron Burr and Hamilton. Hamilton is shot and killed.
The F-bomb is used.
Mother****** is used.
King George uses Jesus's name in a irreverent manner.
Alcohol & drugs: Hamilton and his friends have several rounds of beer at a tavern.
People drink champagne at Hamilton & Eliza's wedding
Performances: All the performances in this are great. Shout out to Johnathan Groff. He absolutely killed it as King George III.
Music: It's pretty good. I've never seen a musical that has as much rap as Hamilton does. "Helpless," "It Would Be Enough," and all three of King George's songs are my favorites. Though, of King George's songs, I'm particularly fond of "You'll Be Back." I love how the song is written as an abusive boyfriend's reaction to his battered lover's "Dear John" letter. The Declaration of Independence can be seen as a "Dear John" letter when you look at it through the lens of an abusive romantic relationship.
And even though I am a proud American and daughter of the American Revolution, I particularly like the lines, "You'll remember you belong to me," "And NO, don't change the subject, 'cause you're my favorite subject. My sweet, submissive subject, My loyal royal subject, Forever and ever and ever and ever and ever," and "You'll be back like before, I will fight the fight and win the war, For your love, for your praise, And I'll love you 'til my dying days." Why do I like these lyrics in particular? Because just like "Be Prepared" from The Lion King perfectly captures Scar's character, these lyrics perfectly capture how King George saw the colonists: not as people he was to serve and care for, but as his property to control. And while people under a monarchy are required to submit to their monarch's authority, a true monarch should treat his or her subjects as people he or she is to serve and care for, not as things to control.
Costumes: They are fantastic.
Sets: Hamilton runs on miminalist sets. There aren't any more set pieces onstage than what's needed in a given scene. But here's the cool part: the staircases move. AND there's a turntable in the middle of the stage. So during certain scenes, set pieces such as a desk and chair, are placed on the turntable and actors sit at the desk and the turntable slowly rotates. That's frickin' cool.
Other notes: Groff said he had to walk slowly as if he was walking on a tightrope during his first entrance to avoid snapping his neck because of how heavy the crown is. He said it's 15 pounds. Folks, that's heavier than St. Edward's Crown. The St. Edward's Crown is almost 5 pounds. During his first song number, he also wears a royal robe, which is even more weight.
Also, I love how King George gives the typical PSA before the show begins. He says, "This is George III, your King. Please silence your cellphones and all other electronic devices. Photography and video recording is strictly prohibited. Please enjoy my show."
I just love how George identifies himself as if he were still King over the US and how he thinks it's his show. I just love how they let him indulge in his narcissism for the PSA. It's freaking hilarious, because the show is called Hamilton, not George III.
I love how King George is both the antagonist and comic relief.
Overall: Hamilton is a great show. It's history being reenacted, but with modern twists to help contemporary audiences understand.