For When I Come Across As Thinking I'm Spiritually Invulnerable Online
There are times when I come across to people as thinking myself spiritually invincible in interactions with other Christians online. When I do that, it's because something I've watched or something someone said has gotten stuck in my mind and to neutralize it, I engage in a compulsion: namely, replying to people.
But when I reply with something like "it's a matter of personal conscience and discernment" and then tell people that something doesn't pose a significant temptation to me, I'm trying to point out that that near occasions of sin vary from person to person. What may be a near occasion of sin for you probably isn't a near occasion of sin for me.
And by saying something like Christians shouldn't ever watch Pirates of the Caribbean because they'd be polluting themselves with garbage for entertainment is bound to do one thing in my case. It will set off an episode of scrupulosity for me and it'll take awhile to get out of the cycle once I've gone in. As I've said about OCD and its tendencies, it's like playing Whac-A-Mole once you engage. Scrupulosity is no different. It takes time for a scrupulous person to get in the habit of "unplugging the game," so to speak, rather than engage.
It's over-spiritualizing a problem that is not necessarily spiritual to begin with. The last thing I need is for someone to make a mountain out of a molehill or see a problem where there is none.
Scrupulous people are excessively vigilant. Often, they think something is a threat when it actually isn't. By suggesting there's a spiritual problem when there really isn't or something is intrinsically harmful when it isn't, you're only exacerbating a person's scrupulosity.
We scrupulous people are more wary than is healthy and helpful to us. We don't need be more any more wary than we already are.
It is better for scrupulous Christians to cultivate virtue and learn that there are grey areas and nuance instead of focusing excessively on potential spiritual danger. It is better for scrupulous Christians to focus on receiving God's love instead of focusing so much on their own efforts. That is the best spiritual warfare for the scrupulous Christian.