Fandom Patron Saints


Inspired by the Random Catholic Thoughts Geek YouTube channel's series of videos on fandom patron saints, I came up with some patron saints for a few of my own fandoms.

James Bond 007-Sts. Sebastian, George, & Micheal the Archangel

Though James Bond is technically a spy, he's more of an undercover soldier, taking out terrorists and other unjust aggressors to protect the lives of the innocent. So for the 007 fandom, I have named Sts. Sebastian, George, and Micheal the Archangel as its patron saints. St. Sebastian is the patron saint of soldiers and athletes. As the patron saint of soldiers and England, St. George is a no-brainer when it came to picking patron saints for the 007 fandom. Sts. Sebastian and George were both martyred. And the Daniel Craig Bond sacrificed himself to protect his family. The commander of the heavenly armies is a patron saint of soldiers as well. Besides, since both James himself and Daniel are Companions of the Order of St. Micheal and St. George (Daniel having received his order medal from Princess Anne herself), choosing Sts. Michael and George was a no-brainer. 

 Mission: Impossible-St. Joshua, son of Nun

Joshua is the patron saint of spies so it's only fitting that he is the patron saint of the Mission: Impossible fandom too. I didn't know Joshua from the Old Testament was a saint until a few days ago. 

The Phantom of the Opera-St. Benignus of Armagh

There were so many saints to choose from for this fandom. Since two of the main characters struggle with mental health issues, St. Dymphna was a good candidate. But since music and singing is front and center in this fandom, St. Benignus was the best choice. He was said to have a beautiful voice, which both the Phantom and Christine DaaƩ have as well.

Pirates of the Caribbean-St. Brendan the Navigator

As the patron saint of sailors, St. Brendan the Navigator is a fitting patron saint for the Pirates of the Caribbean fandom, too. 

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The Autistic Catholic
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