The Virtue of Fun


 You may be surprised at the title of this blog post and saying to yourself, "Having fun is a Christian virtue? Has Susana Christine gone nuts? Did she make this up?"

Yes, indeed! Having fun is a Christian virtue. I am perfectly sane. And no, I did not make this up.

Don't believe me?

Go read what St. Thomas Aquinas has to say about "eutrapelia," which is the Greek word for playfulness or fun in the Summa. The Angelic Doctor of the Church speaks very highly of "Eutrapelia" in his Summa Theologica. Or if you don't want to go flipping through the multiple volumes of the Summa (and honestly, I don't blame you if you don't want to), don't worry. I've found three wonderful videos related to everybody's new favorite virtue. 

Comments Hey, let's chat and have some good discussions! In order to have good conversations, there needs to be some rules. 1) Be polite, charitable, and civil 2) Long comments are most welcome! 3) Please one comment at a time. I do better with one-on-one conversations. Positive comments make my day! I read all the comments and will do my best to respond to them. May God bless you and keep you! And if you're not religious, I wish you all the best!
The Autistic Catholic
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