Bond's Choice To Make the Ultimate Sacrifice In No Time To Die


At first, Bond's death was very painful for me. James Bond is a character I hold near and dear to my heart, despite his flaws and vices. So I bawled after James's death scene the first two times I saw the film. But as time passed, I came to look at it in a more positive way. I began to see it as Bond's most Christ-like act. 

 For those of you who don't know the specifics, spoiler alert if you haven't seen the movie. Throughout the film, a man named Luytsifer Safin was the villain. And he got his hands on a very dangerous DNA-based bioweapon called Heracles. Towards the end, Safin broke a vial of Heracles on James's head. This dose of Heracles had his girlfriend's DNA in it so the slightest amount of physical contact would kill her and their 5-year-old daughter. After killing Safin, James wondered if there was an antidote and when he was reminded that there wasn't, he had a tough decision to make. He could live far away from his family to reduce the chances that they'd get infected or be destroyed along with all of Safin's island base in a missile strike. 

Probably knowing that even if he lived as far away from his girlfriend and daughter as possible, they'd still get infected, as the Heracles virus can be transmitted but harmless to the carrier until it reaches the target. Desiring the good of his family, Bond chose to make the ultimate sacrifice. After a final conversation over radio with his girlfriend, he was killed in a missile strike. 

Despite the fact that Bond isn't religious and has a habit of sleeping with women outside of marriage, his final choice speaks volumes about who he really is. This is a man who has experienced authentic love. This is a man who loves his family so much that he gave his own life to protect them. 

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The Autistic Catholic
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