Are Dogs Evil?


Yesterday, I rewatched the beginning of Father Casey Cole's video "Did Christ Die For Dogs?" At the beginning, Father Casey introduced an adorable Golden Retriever puppy named Pancho and said he was an employee's dog. After watching the beginning of the video, I scrolled down to the comments section and hit the "Newest" button.  I saw this comment:

As someone who recently started their first paid job at a doggy daycare and who is loved by their sister's Siberian Husky, this comment is alarming to me. Nobody in that comments section was a dog worshipper. Also, dogs in the Old Testament were feral and wild, not household pets. Yes, dogs will eat anything, but they can be trained to stop engaging in inappropriate behaviors, which includes eating anything. You can also give your dog a "greenie" to make their breath smell better. 

I cannot stress enough how important context is when interpreting Scripture. 

Also, St. Francis of Assisi famously tamed a wolf and told it that the people of a town would feed it in exchange for it not attacking and terrorizing the town anymore. He called the wolf "Brother Wolf." Dogs are in the same family as wolves.  St. Francis loved animals, but he loved Jesus more. Since St. Francis loved a wolf, I think it's OK to love dogs.  

As for dogs being dirty and stinky, there's an easy fix: baths and brushing.

In the modern world, dogs do a great deal of good. Besides being pets, they help with search and rescue operations, find drugs, help law enforcement apprehend suspects, and become service dogs for people with disabilities and other medical conditions, all with training and their powerful noses. 

I've met two police dogs. When I was in middle school, there was a boy at my school who had a service dog that was trained to detect when a seizure was coming and alert him. I've seen a documentary about a girl with the same condition and she got a service dog. It relieved a great deal of pressure and anxiety for her family. 

Has Satan deceived me into thinking dogs are good? 

I am my sister's Siberian Husky's favorite person. Why? Because like all dogs, she smells my pheromones. She knows I am related to her owner. She also loves me because I'm gentle and laid-back. In fact, I got a bloody nose while I was staying at my sister's house one time and the Siberian Husky was so concerned about me that she tried to push my arm down so she could lick up the blood.  

So no, I don't think Satan has deceived me into thinking dogs are good. 

Comments Hey, let's chat and have some good discussions! In order to have good conversations, there needs to be some rules. 1) Be polite, charitable, and civil 2) Long comments are most welcome! 3) Please one comment at a time. I do better with one-on-one conversations. Positive comments make my day! I read all the comments and will do my best to respond to them. May God bless you and keep you! And if you're not religious, I wish you all the best!
The Autistic Catholic
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