A Plea To Everyone Labeling the Duchess of Sussex as a Narcissist & Her Marriage To Prince Harry as Toxic


 I beg everyone who is labeling Meghan, Duchess of Sussex as a narcissist and her marriage to Prince Harry as toxic and abusive to please stop doing so. I don't care what signs or evidence of NPD you think you see in her. My opinion of the Duchess of Sussex is not relevant here. Only a licensed mental health professional who has spoken to her may diagnose her with Narcissistic Personality Disorder or any other mental disorder.

NPD is a very serious personality disorder and it is almost impossible to treat. I have a sister who works with troubled people as a social worker. She knows this stuff because she needs to know it for her job.

Stop pointing out the signs of NPD you think you see in her. Stop hoping that Prince Harry will leave her before it's too late. Stop pointing how sad and miserable he may look since he married her. Stop predicting that she will dump him if and when she's through with him. Stop staying that the Prince is in a trauma bond. Stop reading tabloids, stop watching vlogs, and stop reading blogs from Internet strangers saying that Meghan, Duchess of Sussex is a narc and she is toxic and abusive towards the Duke of Sussex, her husband.

I don't care if you're a body language expert, a relationship expert, some kind of licensed mental health professional, or someone who has had a narc in their life. No one, absolutely no one, should be writing blog posts or articles and making videos or vlogs labeling the Duchess of Sussex as a narc and her marriage as toxic and abusive let alone posting them online if they have never met her.

You can point out the narcissistic traits that the Duchess of Sussex appears to have and you can point out the ways she seems to be controlling and abusing Prince Harry all you want. My message remains the same.

It is imprudent to diagnose a public figure with a serious mental illness/pyschological disorder when one has never met that public figure. 

Comments Hey, let's chat and have some good discussions! In order to have good conversations, there needs to be some rules. 1) Be polite, charitable, and civil 2) Long comments are most welcome! 3) Please one comment at a time. I do better with one-on-one conversations. Positive comments make my day! I read all the comments and will do my best to respond to them. May God bless you and keep you! And if you're not religious, I wish you all the best!
The Autistic Catholic
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