A Gentle Reminder About Nazi Germany's Hatred & Discrimination


Sometimes, when people talk about the Holocaust, they talk about the persecution and slaughter of Jews. And it's true that Jews were targeted. But Hitler didn't invent antisemitism, racism, hatred, discrimination, and intolerance. And the Jews weren't the only ones who were seen as inferior by the Germans. Anyone who didn't fit Hitler's idea of racial/ethnical purity was seen as inferior. Anyone who opposed the Nazi regime was persecuted.

But not everyone who was a Nazi agreed with Hitler's ideology. Oskar Schindler was a Nazi and he saved 1, 200 Jews from torture and certain death at the hands of his fellow Nazis. His courageous actions, which would have resulted in his execution if the Germans ever found out what he was really doing, are forever immortalized in the film Schindler's List starring Liam Neeson.

Colonel Claus von Stauffenberg, a member of the Nazi German army, was one of a few people who plotted and attempted to assassinate Hitler. The attempt was not successful and unlike Schindler, the conspirators paid with their lives for their daring plot. Von Stauffenberg was executed by firing squad and his final words were, "Long live our sacred Germany!"

Schindler and von Stauffenberg are only two examples of Nazis who stood up for what they knew in their hearts was right.

St. Maximilian Kolbe, pray for us! 

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