A Few Notes on the Ascension Press Homosexuality Video


The video "Homosexuality, Gay Marriage, & Holiness" featuring Catholic speaker Jason Evert has caused quite a bit of pain and confusion. 

Because of Jason's words, many viewers have been led to believe that LGBTQ+ people are forced to live in a sort of mental closet and not identify as LGBTQ+ if they are Catholic. While it is true that the Catechism says that homosexual attractions are objectively disordered, LGBTQ+ people are not required to seperate their sexual orientation or gender identity from their identity. 

There's a blog on Tumblr called Santicty in Sexuality, which is about Catholic teachings on human sexuality, particularly Pope John Paul II's teachings on human sexuality. 

Here is a screenshot of a blog post from that blog regarding Catholics and LGBTQ+ identity. I have previously mentioned this Tumblr blog and embedded this screenshot in one of my "Troll in the Dungeon!" posts, but that was in response to a particular user. 

Some do not identify as gay, lesbian, or bisexual, believing that their attractions are not their whole identity. But others do identify as gay, lesbian, or bisexual. I know of people in the Church who don't and who do. 

And I agree that neither position is morally superior. What matters in the end is that Catholics who have these attractions adhere to the Church's teaching on chastity.

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The Autistic Catholic
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