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Many critics of Christianity claim that the God of the Bible is abusive. It's easy to understand why they say that. Bible Passages like the ten plagues on the Egyptians and snakes biting the Israelites in the desert make God seem like a being who inflicts physical harm on people if they don't obey Him and give Him sufficient affection....

I am a devout Catholic. After researching what you believe, I decided to write an open letter to you. From a worldly perspective, you are right that what I believe as a Catholic and a believer in some kind of deity is insane. However, please do not attempt to deconvert me. Atheism and freethought are just decidedly not for me. ...

Chances are you'll recognize both of these men. The first is Pete Buttigieg, the US Secretary of Transportation. The second is legendary British singer and musician Sir Elton John.

Neither of these men's sexuality bother me. I harbor no hatred, bigotry, intolerance, or homophobia for either of them. Just lots of love. Even though I haven't met...

I would like to apologize on behalf of my brothers and sisters in Christ who have told you that you're going to Hell for not adhering to our religion. No Christian should be telling anyone that they're going burn in Hell. It's not our job or our place to damn/condemn someone. Christians who tell you that you're going to Hell are out of line....

My dear brothers and sisters in Christ, please stop telling non-believers that they will burn in Hell for not adhering to our religion. It's not our place to tell other people that they're going to Hell. We can't damn people because it's not our job.

The Autistic Catholic
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