At the Intersection of Faith & Autism

Even Pop Culture Catechism didn't hold my interest for as long as I thought it would. The website More Than Entertained is dedicated to encountering the divine in the entertainment. It's a small group of young adult Catholics and they do reflections on movies, books, TV shows, music, and sports. I like this because it's all about finding the sacred...

God Loves The Autistic Mind is a book by Catholic and autistic priest Father Matthew Schneider, LC. It is a prayer guide with meditations for Christians on the Spectrum and those who love us. The first part of the book dispels myths and misconceptions about autism. It also talks about prayer. The second half is all meditations for...

I also found a podcast called Pop Culture Catechism with Mike Tenney. Father Roderick's online ministry is now several YouTube channels. I still watch his videos. But the nice thing about Pop Culture Catechism is it's one YouTube channel and one podcast focusing on pop culture and what's true, good, and beautiful in it.

The Autistic Catholic
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