My Fangirl Archives 

Quite a few people label Christine's attraction to the Phantom as incest due to the fact she believed the Phantom was the ghost of her father in the 2004 philm. However, labeling her sexual attraction to the Phantom as incest is dishonest, inaccurate, and sloppy for several reasons. One, the Phantom was pretending to be the ghost of...

This is a week or two late, but I have to wish the Broadway production of my favorite musical a happy birthday/anniversary. For a show to run on Broadway for this long is nothing short of miraculous. Phantom Broadway turned 34 on January 26th.

____X Reader Stories and self-insert fanfics are fun to read and write, but they're actually not good for you. Here's why. Romantic ____X Reader stories and romantic self-insert fanfiction are leading you to be emotionally unchaste. These types of fanfiction are daydreams written down. I'm not saying that daydreams are bad. But daydreaming about...

As someone who loves fanfiction as both a writer of it and a reader of it, it saddens me to see so much fanfiction full of smut and lemon. Now before anyone gets upset and calls me a prude or "prissy," I am not saying sex is bad or disgusting. I believe sex is a good thing when it occurs...

The Autistic Catholic
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