Hi! I'm Susana Christine- a Catholic young woman with mild, high functioning autism. And I do not see my autism as a hindrance or a curse. I see it as a gift from God.

Autistic people tend to have restricted interests-things they are really passionate about; things they spend a lot of time researching and talking about; things that they are very knowledgeable about.

My restricted interests are:

-God & my Catholic Faith

-My Fandoms:

Disney & Pixar

Star Wars

The Chronicles of Narnia

Pirates of the Caribbean

The Lord of the Rings & The Hobbit

Marvel Cinematic Universe

The Hunger Games

Harry Potter

Star Trek

James Bond 007

Mission: Impossible

 The Phantom of the Opera (particularly the Andrew Lloyd-Webber version)




-Musicals (and live theatre in general)


-Video games


-Movies & TV


-Greek mythology

-Norse mythology

The Autistic Catholic
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